Haritaki – Terminalia Chebula – Indian Walnut
Parts Used – Organic Fruit
Planetary Influence – Saturn
Day of the Week – Saturday

Haritaki is known as “King of Herbs” and grows in Southeast India and Asia.    It consists of the berry and seeds from the Terminalia Chebula tree. It is has been used in Ayurvvedic Herbalism for thousands of years and is especially suited for people with inflammation and anxiety.

Please see important information*

High in Vitamin C, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-cancer, hypolipidemic, anti-diabetic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory, immunomodulator, reno-protective, hepatoprotective, wound healing properties.


  • Antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal.
  • Helps prevent diabetes
  • Aids memory
  • Relieves constipation caused by excessive consumption of dairy and medications
  • Cleanses parasites and bacteria from digestive system
  • Anti-aging – reduces shortening of telomeres
  • Wounds cleansing
  • Support for cancer and HIV
  • Opens third eye

$29 per one ounce bottle

Order Now

Recommended Use
Start once a day with 2-3 drops on the back of the left hand, dissolved in water, or under the tongue. 

*Warnings & Possible Side Effects
Do not use if overtired from too much exercise, depleted immunity, or strength.
Don’t use if fasting.
It can cause a burning sensation
Don’t use after giving blood or use during menstruation
Not for people with dry mouth neck stiffness, or dry throat
Don’t use if you have recently indulged in alcohol
Do not take during pregnancy or while breastfeeding

Questions? Call or text us at 480-220-4861

If you have a medical emergency, please contact your health care professional.
Please confer with your health care professional before taking.
Not all of the uses listed above have been subject to modern clinical studies
and are for research purposes only