I vibrate at the frequency of truth.
As we become more resonant with truth, the vibration that we make will be radiated outward. We can empower the throat chakra as our center of communication by speaking truth with loving kindness and compassion. Our words have the power to heal and inspire the highest aspirations in others. We have added the following tunings to the group broadcast to support this week’s theme. |
I AM COMPLETE HEALING ON ALL LEVELS. 2917488 CHIRON HEAL ALL HEALERS. 2067418 The weekly broadcast now includes our Eternal Youth protocol for DNA repair, mitochondrial health and functions, and optimizing telomeres. Below is an image for Throat Chakra Activation. |

Our radionics broadcasts of informational energy are designed to assist the creation of the best possible outcomes for ourselves and humanity. We gratefully appreciate your support by participating in this work.
Our weekly Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday broadcasts are designed to fully support one’s health and well-being, and accelerate their ascension journey.
15 hours of energy broadcasts each week.
Open to all people who would like to join.
Cancel anytime you wish.
This work is inspired by and dedicated to Master Djwhal Khul known as The Tibetan. His tireless work and many teachings show a clear path towards humanity’s enlightenment. This scalar energy broadcast is custom designed to benefit likeminded people in their efforts to reach this goal.
These broadcasts are intended to support all members of the World Service Broadcast and the Conscious Enlightenment Program from EnlightenedHumanity.One created by Rev. Terri Newlon.
Thank you this is incredible awesome and very believable healing uplifting enlightening and heartfelt. Please continue and contact me or someone if expand. Love blessings 4th chakra