Enlightened Humanity Broadcasts
OmBeOne’s Enlightened Humanity Broadcast is for individuals actively pursuing personal enlightenment. It aims to to energize and protect both the physical body and the home environment while providing informational energy and patterns that are beneficial for spiritual advancement. This work supports Light Workers and World Servers who strive to raise the overall consciousness of humanity for the benefit of all Beings. The protocols compliment the teachings of Master Djwhal Khul and are open to everyone. The larger the group of participating the greater the impact on humanity. We hope that you will join us.
Enlightened Humanity Broadcast Details
The Enlightened Humanity Broadcast begins each Tuesday, Thursday, And Sunday at 1:00 pm EST / 10:00 AM PST. and is over 5 hours in length, It includes a series of Radionic Tuning Protocols that are repeated multiple times. Protocols currently include:
Star Force One
Om Mani Padme Hum
New You Coherence
All Opposition is Neutralized
Immune Boost
COVID Protocol
Home Environment Shield
Chakra Opening and Alignment
Clear all Toxins.
Our Session includes weekly updates to the protocols based on new information and the themes of the weekly focus of the World Service Broadcast and the Conscious Enlightenment Program from EnlightenedHumanity.One.
The Consciousness Enlightenment Program
The Conscious Enlightenment Program (“CEP”) is for beginning, intermediate, and advanced esoteric studies, modern shamanic training, psychic development and the increase of light on personal and planetary levels. It is a practical form of self-improvement that applies to every walk of life. The information is designed to make life better right now, with ongoing time-sensitive improvements. Our personal experience with the program has been extremely positive and very supportive. Not a member of the Conscious Enlightenment Program yet? We welcome you to join our family of light workers and world servers.
Subscribe for Individual Participation
Individual Participation is $22 per month. Your subscription can be cancelled at any time after the 1st month.
Subscribe for Family Participation
Family Plan (up to 5 people) is $35 per month. Your subscription can be cancelled at any time after the 1st month
If you have an individual need please consider a Personal Session
When you enroll, we will need your full name, a full picture of yourself against a plain wall with no humans, plants or animals in the picture. We use the image as the target for the broadcast. Pictures can be sent to kim@ombeone.love
Disclaimer – All content is offered on an informational basis only. Quantum Balancing and Radionics are considered Experimental Research and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or your local health emergency service immediately. If you choose to utilize any information provided by this web site, you do so solely at your own risk.