About Spagyric Tinctures
We are very excited to offer our line of philosophically prepared Spagyric Tinctures..
What are Spagyrically Prepared Tinctures?
(pronounced: spa jeer icks)
Kim’s answer: “Tinctures on steroids.”
Christopher’s answer: “The term ‘Spagyric’ was coined by Phillipus Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim (1493-1541), know as Paracelsus. He was a prominent physician and alchemist who shared his extensive knowledge of plant alchemy.
The word “spagyric” combines the Greek words spao, meaning “to draw out, to divide,” and ageiro, meaning “to gather, to bind, to join.” This concept forms the foundation of alchemical work: separating a substance into its principal parts, purifying them, and recombining them in an elevated form.

What is the Advantage of a Spagyrically Prepared Tincture?
Spagyrically prepared tinctures are immediately bioavailable, bypassing the digestive tract, where active plant constituents can be lost or transformed. This unique preparation allows the tincture to enter the bloodstream directly, delivering its benefits swiftly to the areas where it is most needed.
Our Approach
At OmBeOne, we employ a multi-faceted approach to our herbal work. With Christopher’s classical training from Le Cordon Bleu in French cuisine, he has a profound respect for meticulous preparation methods—a foundation that’s as essential in alchemical herbal preparation as it is in fine cuisine. With modern equipment, we create our Spagyrics with systematic precision and care.
Our Process
We adhere to time-proven methods from alchemical masters, adding a modern twist to amplify the herbs’ potential:
- Radionics: We use radionics to cleanse and enhance the herbs, helping them reach their highest potential.
- Coherent Light and Stasis Field: During their multi-month digestion, the tinctures are energized within a stasis field of coherent light attuned to the empowerment cubit frequency from ancient Egypt.
- Mantra Science: Each tincture is immersed in the “Om Mani Padme Hum” mantra 24 hours a day, receiving over 8,000 mantra recitations daily.
- Copper Pyramid and Quartz Crystals: After completion, the tinctures rest in a copper pyramid surrounded by clear quartz crystals for several days.
Additionally, various invocations and esoteric practices contribute to the creation of our high-frequency Spagyrics.
Planetary influences specific to each plant are enhanced during the alchemical process, connecting each tincture to its astrological essence. We integrate starlight associated with each plant’s ruling planet, further enhancing its potency and alignment.
The result is a purified, high-vibrational Spagyric tincture. By their nature, Spagyrics are more penetrating than traditional tinctures, with only 2–3 drops needed for a full dose. Simply rub 2–3 drops onto the back of your left hand, place them in water, or apply directly under the tongue.
Spagyrics are consciously programmable. Due to the alchemical awakening of each plant’s essence, these tinctures respond to conscious intent. We recommend practicing a simple method of mindful co-creation when using your Spagyric.
Spagyric Tinctures
For a full description with warnings, possible side effects, or drug interactions if any, please click on the links below.
Amalki – Supports high cholesterol management and urinary health. Contains antiseptic and and anti-parasitic qualities.
Ashwagandha – Adaptogen for stress relief.
Holy Basil Leaf (Tulsi Vana) – Promotes longevity and well-being.
Bilberry – Antioxidant; supports vision, dementia, and Alzheimer’s.
Boneset – Supports immune system and recovery from colds and fevers.
Borage – Anti-inflammatory; supports respiratory and skin health.
Ginger – Helps to maintain healthy circulation and provides relief from nausea.
Gotu Kola – Memory enhancer; helps reduce anxiety and inflammation.
Guduchi – Known for promoting youthfulness, longevity, and vitality.
Haritaki – Antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory.
Lemon Balm – Calming, and uplifting; supports relaxation and emotional balance Naturally contains antihistamine properties.
Moringa – Promotes wound healing, supports eye health, and aids in digestive balance and wellness.
Nettle – A natural iron tonic; supports a healthy histamine response and soothes skin discomfort.
Olive Leaf – Helps maintain a healthy inflammatory; supports immune function and promotes balanced blood pressure.
Raspberry Leaf – Nurtures uterine and pelvic health; promotes tone and balance in the reproductive system.
Red Rose – Connects to the Divine Feminine and supports alignment with Three Star One energies.
Rhodiola – Enhances tolerance to high altitudes, boosts athletic performance, and promotes resilience.
Shatavari – A rejuvenating herb with anti-inflammatory properties; supports urinary and reproductive health.
Triphala – A traditional formula that promotes longevity, strengthens immunity, and enhances mental clarity.
Turmeric – A versatile herb known for supporting arthritis, asthma, and hay fever, with potential anticancer benefits.
Activated Turmeric – Combines turmeric with black pepper for improved absorption and bioavailability.
Uva Ursi (Bearberry) – An anti-inflammatory herb that supports urinary tract health and function.
Valerian Root – A calming herb used to relieve anxiety and promote restful sleep as a natural sedative.
We have many more Spagyrics in production and coming this year. Stay tuned for exciting new developments including updates to the web site with expanded descriptions or each Spagyric and their beneficial qualities.
Our products are intended for informational and experimental research and are not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Please review the warnings, potential side effects, or potential drug interactions before ordering.
Spagyrically prepared tinctures are not recommended during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.