Radionics – Scalar Energy Broadcasts
Balance the Body and Uplift Consciousness with the
SE-5 2000 Intrinsic Data Field Analyzer

All of creation is made up of frequencies.  As humans, we are born with a certain frequency, but exposure to pollution, illness, and emotional stress can disrupt these original frequencies, leading to dysfunction in our mental, emotional and physical health.  Conversely, practices such as meditation, good nutrition, exercise and love can enhance our frequencies.

Our bodies are surrounded by Intrinsic Data Fields, (IDFs), which have been referred to in various ways throughout history, including ethers, chi, prana, bioplasm, the body electric, auras, and the luminous energy field.  These fields can be measured and seen using various techniques such as Kirlian photography, dowsing and biofeedback. 

Radionics is a method that can be used to detect, balance, shield, and elevate these frequencies by adjusting the IDFs that surround the body.

OmBeOne uses SE-5 2000 Intrinsic Data Field Analyzer, a modern technology originally developed by physcist Willard Frank and advanced by Dr. Don Paris. This sophisticated instrument is designed to detect, quantify and transmit a full spectrum of IDF signals. Its purpose to restore and balances these frequencies and functions within the biofield surrounding our bodies. 

Radionic Sessions

Reverend Christoper Blair uses the latest scalar technology and our extensive database of tunings to create Personal Radionics Sessions tailored to each client’s intentions and the feedback received from scanning your biofield for imbalances. Your personal session will be broadcast to you 3 times a week for one month to anchor the tunings into your Biofield. During this time we will check in with you to ascertain how you are responding and any adjustments or additions will be made to optimize your results. Our sessions include:

Monthly Personal Sessions | Group Sessions | Star Force One | Pet Therapy Sessions

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade that all the previous centuries of its existence.” Nikola Tesla

Disclaimer –  All content is offered on an informational basis only. Quantum Balancing, Scalar Therapies and Radionics are considered Experimental Research and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or your local health emergency service immediately. If you choose to utilize any information provided by this web site, you do so solely at your own risk.