OmBeOne.Love provides Spagyric Tinctures, SE-5 Radionics Sessions, and Vibrational Healing Sprays for Well-Being and Quantum Balancing

Product of the Month – Lemon Balm Spagyric Tincture – Calming & Uplifting – More InfoOrder Now

SE-5 Radionics Sessions

About Radionics

Create Balance, Energy and Harmony with SE-5 Radionics Sessions

We use the SE-5 2000 Intrinsic Data Field Analyzer, a powerful scalar technology, to offer personalized Scalar Energy Sessions. Begin with a free 30-minute consultation with Reverend Christopher, who scans your biofield and creates a customized session to meet your goals and imbalances. Each session is tailored to your intentions and the insights received during the biofield scan. Sessions are broadcast three times weekly over a month to align your biofield, with regular check-ins for adjustments.
$85.00 per month
Schedule your free 30-minute Consultation | Buy Your Session
About Radionics | The Benefits of Personalized Radionic Sessions

Eternal Youth – SE-5 Radionics Broadcasts

After 3 years of research, Christopher developed a protocol for renewing the physical body.  Eternal Youth optimizes cellular health, DNA replication, mitochondria functions, and cell charge. It also includes tunings for many of the medicinal plants inspired by the legendary Kaya Kalpa Vedic formula for body rejuvenation. This stand-alone sessions is broadcast three times weekly (12 sessions a month).
$60 per month
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Enlightened Humanity – SE-5 Radionics Broadcasts

Designed for those pursuing personal enlightenment, these broadcasts energize the body, protect your home environment, and support your spiritual advancement. This work supports Light Workers and World Servers in raising humanity’s consciousness for the benefit of all beings. Sessions are broadcast three times weekly. The larger the group the greater the impact on humanity.
Find Out More About Our Enlightened Humanity Broadcasts
Individual Participation is $22 per month. Buy Now
Immediate Family Participation is $35 per month. Buy Now

Star Force One – SE-5 Radionics Broadcast

This protocol balances and resets the biofield for optimal functioning, blocking negative psychic attacks, harmful AI, negative ET interference, nanobots, and electronic blue light. Recently enhance with the guidance of of Master Djwhal Khul, it aligns the subconscious mind with the soul’s intentions, programming every cell in your body for your highest good. Each session includes 108 tunings for one hour, broadcast three times weekly.
$33.00 per month
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Pet Therapies
Pet Health & Wellness SE-5 Radionics Sessions

Using modern scalar technology and a wide range of custom tunings, we create a personalized radionics session for your pet. Broadcasts are three times weekly, last 30-60 minutes, to anchor the tunings into their biofield. Regular check-ins help monitor your pet’s progress.
$50 per month
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Vibrational Healing Sprays

Experience Joy

JOY Healing Spray
OmBeOne’s JOY Vibrational Healing Spray is designed to infuse your biofield with multiple modalities of JOY. It contains affirmations encoded into distilled rainwater using SE-5 scalar energy technology, with commands to replace sorrow with joy and fear with courage. The spray also contains the essences of Lemon Balm, Red Rose and Oil of Gold. With regular use, the resonance of JOY can build up in your personal biofield. It’s gentle enough for children and pets.

Self Love Vibrational Healing Spray
OmBeOne’s Self Love Vibrational Healing Spray brings your body and auric field into harmony with self-love, anchored by Goddess energy. Daily use helps infuse your biofield with this resonant energy, eventually incorporating self-love into your cellular structure. As your baseline shifts, you may notice positive changes in your interactions and daily experiences.

Protection Vibrational Healing Spray
OmBeOne’s Protection Vibrational Healing Spray is uniquely formulated to create an aura of comfort and protection by shielding your biofield. This spray helps defend against psychic attacks, negative entities, and harmful radiation, including 5G and Wi-Fi. For optimal results, apply daily: once in the morning to start your day and again before bedtime to promote restful sleep. It’s also beneficial to mist yourself before attending large gatherings or crowded spaces.

Teeth & Gums Vibrational Healing Spray
OmBeOne’s Teeth & Gums Vibrational Healing Spray supports the health of your teeth and gums and promotes a robust oral microbiome. This spray is programmed with a special radionics protocol designed to maintain the strength and health of your teeth and gums. Scalar energy codes are infused into distilled rainwater, which has been enhanced with multiple Spagyric tinctures and essential oils, giving the spray a refreshing and subtle minty flavor that enhances your oral care routine.  Safe for daily use, this spray can be used after brushing or meals, and throughout the day for fresh breath and oral health support.

Clear All Miasms Vibrational Healing Spray
OmBeOne’s Clear All Miasms Vibrational Healing Spray is designed to assist in alleviating inherited or acquired energetic imbalances. This spray made from Air of Rainwater and ruled by the planet Mercury contains Red Rose Essence, Arnica Essence and the Oil of Gold. It aims to clear the body of known Miasms – latent codes or energetic patterns carried within the individual that can contribute to chronic illnesses.  When exposed to a pathological imbalance or when a blood relative contracts a disease, the informational pattern of the disease can be passed along and stored in our genetic code, potentially manifesting as illness in our current life and disrupting normal health.

Clear All Radiation Vibrational Healing Spray
OmBeOne’s Clear All Radiation Vibrational Healing Spray is designed to support the body in neutralizing the effects of various forms of radiation exposure prevalent in modern society.  The formula combines homeopathic research from work with populations exposed to radiation at sites like Fukushima, Japan and other global exposure areas, along with remedies for everyday contaminates such as metal cookware, pet dishes, irradiated or cold pasteurized foods. Made from the Fire of Rainwater and ruled by the Sun, the spray includes Arnica Essence, Tincture of Frankincense, Oil of Antimony and Salt of Grape.

Clear All Toxins Vibrational Healing Spray
OmBeOne’s Clear All Toxins Vibrational Healing Spray supports the body’s natural processes to release and eliminate heavy metals, petroleum, and other toxins. This unique water preparation is designed to carry the grounding and purifying energy of the Earth element. Ingredients include includes Salt of Grape, Oil of Gold (for high-frequency healing), Oil of Antimony, and Oil of Egg.

Clear All Trauma Vibrational Healing Spray
OmBeOne’s Clear All Trauma Vibrational Healing Spray is formulated with distilled Air of Rainwater and energized with various homeopathic frequencies designed to energetically support the clearing of physical, mental, and spiritual trauma. The spray includes Lemon Balm Essence (for happiness), Ashwagandha Essence (for anxiety relief), Kava Kava Essence (for brain health), and Oil of Gold (for high frequency healing). Clear All Trauma Spray supports frequency-based healing for physical and mental well-being.

Spagyric Tinctures

Spagyric Tinctures – Philosophically Prepared Tinctures
Our philosophically prepared Spagyric Tinctures are crafted to support your physical and spiritual growth. We offer a range of tinctures, including Red Rose, which represents the divine feminine; Ashwaganda, an Ayurvedic herb known for its rejuvenating properties and ability to boost memory and promote longevity; and Lemon Balm, used to calm and uplift. These tinctures are designed to strengthen and balance the body.

Spagyrically prepared tinctures are immediately bio-available to the body. Thanks to the advanced processing, they bypass the digestive tract, preventing the loss or alteration of active constituents. Instead they enter the bloodstream directly, delivering benefits more efficiently.
For pricing details, please Visit Our Store | Find Out More | See our list of Spagyric Tinctures

Disclaimer –  All content is offered on an informational basis only. Spagyric Tinctures, Vibrational Healing, Homeopathy, Quantum Balancing, Scalar Therapies and Radionics are considered Experimental Research and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  The FDA has not conducted research on any of these products. No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  If you think you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or your local health emergency service immediately. If you choose to utilize any information provided by this web site, you do so solely at your own risk.