SE-5 2000 radionics sessions are scalar energy broadcasts of informational energy for intended outcomes. This exciting technology pioneered by Nicola Tesla and other leading scientists gives us the ability using Intrinsic Data Fields to inform a person’s biofield with protocols designed to improve the human experience. The information can be include words, pictures, colors, audio files and video.
VIP Personal Radionics Support
This is a highly customized and focused method of working with informational energy through radionics.
The process begins with a one-on-one consultation to determine the intent and desired results of the protocol. Then, Christopher will create custom radionics sessions specific to the individual’s goals. It includes multiple custom sessions, each with a unique focus. A schedule and sequence will then be determined for the broadcast of those sessions for optimal results 6 day each week for one hour each day. There will be weekly follow-ups to make adjustments and fine tune the protocol as we proceed.
On Month of VIP Personal Radionics Support Includes:
- A personal consultation to determine the focus and goals of the protocol.
- Development of custom radionics sessions, each with a distinct focus.
- Daily broadcasts of radionics sessions, one hour per day, six days a week.
- Weekly follow-ups, and adjustment to radionics sessions as needed.
All content is provided for informational purposes only. Spagyric tinctures and radionics are considered experimental research and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. No content is intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you believe you are experiencing a medical emergency, contact your doctor or local emergency services immediately. By choosing to use any information on this site, you do so at your own risk.
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